Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Scooby, Pickles, Guitar, Fishes..oh my

I like how they put up Book Fairs in schools in the US. Back in my school days in India there was never a concept of Book Fairs in school. There used to be book fairs maybe once or twice a year held in some corner of the city. My parents used to hunt for these types of fairs to take us kids to.
Even in the school libraries, there used to be a period in a week( in 1 week just 30 mins ) called "Library" where we can go sit in the library and browse through the magazines. By the time I figured out a good book to read the school bell would ring. :(
Munchkin loves book fairs. He made a huge wish list and gave it to us. I told him that I was going to give him $25 and he could get howmuchever books he needed provided it doesn't exceed that amount. Imagine my surprise when he asks me "So is the $25 just for books? Or does it include taxes too?" uhhh....I was stunned to silence. When I found my voice I told him it doesn't cover taxes. haha.

Scooby is the latest DVD thats making the rounds at our home. I like Scooby Doo :) I remember munchkin watching "Thomas the Train" and getting really annoyed at the narrators boring voice.
We left violin and learning guitar now. And munchkin loves lemon pickles..which I am totally lovin. I have been trying to make him enjoy spicy Indian food but its a work in progress.
And..We are getting a fish tank for our home :)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March into 2015

I am a bad blogger. IT's been ages since my last post.

When there is a whole of things to write about and you are in a loss for words, stick to bullets. :) They are life savers.

Munchkin at 7..going on 8..

  • a serious Wild Kratts Fan. Life's ambitions in his own words - "become a wildlife explorer". His backup plan(you thought there wasn't??!) - Become a zoologist
  • Going into the Star wars phase - Does the Jedi moves 
  • Started learning violin and gave his first recital ("Mary had a little lamb") but then made up his mind that violin sounds sad. He is learning Guitar now and seems happy about it
  • Loves to read. His favorite at the moment - Geronimo Stilton
  • I heart - painting, playing in dirt, tennis, soccer, dinosaurs, Scooby-Doo, Harry Potter movies, and Cars..and more cars!!
  • Pet Peeves - chick flicks that his sister makes him watch (and that always cracks me up..haha), Legos (never got into it for some reason), playing tag, chapter books with no pictures :)