Saturday, October 16, 2010

Moments like this....

Munchkin wanted to go to the park badly.He had been asking about it the whole day .We told him we could go in the evening but somehow we couldn’t make it(Linux had some deadline he had to meet).
Munchkin was badly upset and started to cry and I was feeling bad too.I tried telling him we could go the next day but he didn’t understand why we couldn’t go right then.He was sitting by the window in a chair, looking pensive with big tears rolling down his cheeks when suddenly he yelled “Mommy, come and look!There are 2 kittens outside trying to go under the fence.One grey and one black.”Munchkin was so excited that he forgot all about his park trip.He.was in the moment.Watching him made me thinking why we adults fail to look at the brighter side of things.We tend to get weighed down when we are faced with hurdles.We are so focused on milestones that we forget the moments, the present.There is no time more important than the present, this moment.
Moments matter, not Milestones.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Random listings this time.Its so much easier than writing paragraphs.Thats how lazy I am today.I really wanted to blog regularly and everytime I write a post I keep telling that to myself.But somewhere along the day I forget!So well, listings this time..
•We joined a recreational club 2 weeks back.Linux and me are planning on learning to swim and munchkin is signing up for swimming and soccer classes.
•I had a wakeup call from my doctor saying its time I did something about my weight gain.I have been working out for the past 1 month and I like it.
•I love the workout videos for the simple reason that I can do it at the comfort of my home , anytime.
•Munchkin had gone pumpkin picking with his school.He brought home the two cutest pumpkins I have seen my entire life.
•I am missing amma and appa a lot.Though I speak to them atleast twice a day I wish I could see them.
•We watched Endhiran!!( a tamil movie).It was an event by itself,let me tell you why.It was the first movie we went to see as a family after munchkins birth, it was also the first tamil movie I saw with linux in a theatre :-)
•Its difficult to change oneself.I have always had the difficulty of letting go.Its very hard for me to let go but I know I am made of sterner stuff.I really have to learn not to hold on to things too tightly.