Monday, November 22, 2010


"I am a Vegetarian" - That sentence brings in a lot of reactions.Sometimes "Oh really?How does that work for you?" to "Uhh!!" and sometimes to an even bizzare "So do you eat fish?".Wikipedia says "Vegetarianism is the practice of following a plant-based diet including fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, nuts, and seeds, mushrooms, with or without dairy products and eggs."Now there are people who argue as to how eggs fall under a vegetarian diet but lets skip that.
What i wanted to say was why am i a vegetarian.I am SouthIndian and fall into a caste(i hate using that word but as any Indian we are forced to) who are orthodox,strict vegetarians and so on.I was brought up to think eating meat is unholy.My family and my extended family a group of people who cringe at people eating meat even in movies.My paternal grandma even makes this puking sound.Go figure!So thats my background as is my husband's.
At this point of life, i can say that i am a vegetarian not because i am forced to.Not even because my religion demands it.And not because i am against animal cruelty.But in a way i am against animal cruelty.Why the paradox?Let me explain - I am against animal cruelty.I hate that but its not that i dont use leather handbags.Its not like i dont use products tested on animals because i do.Most of the products today are and the few which are not tested on animals are freaking expensive.So there!I am against animal cruelty but somethings fall out of my control.Anyways, I digress.So why am i a vegetarian??
Because it is healthy. And much closer to the truth - Because i am used to it!I dont make the faces my family makes nor do i make puking gestures but the sight of people butchering meat does get to me!I walk the aisles of the supermarket and when i come to the meat section i see live crabs ready in the tank and something tugs heavily.I cant help it.I have nothing against people eating meat but its not my cup of tea(pun intended!).
Linux and me are bring up our son a vegetarian but in future if he chooses to eat meat its his decision.Each to his own.

Note: The above post is just my view and not meant to affect the sentiments of anyone.

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