Thursday, March 18, 2010

Munchkins first girlfriend

Munchkin adapted to India amazingly well.His favorite activity was going for a walk with thatha.He loved watching the goats,cows, dogs, hens and surprise of surprise there used to be 2 donkeys too.He used to come back home brimming with smiles and lots of stories.
His othe favorite passtime was my cousin brother B’s daughter Shruthi.They live right next door and she is the same age as munchkin.A typical day starts like this…
munchkin wakes up and says ‘amma, Shruthi pakka polama’
me: ippo venam ..paal saptapparam
After he drinks his milk
Amma ippo polama?
Me:shruthi thongara..apparama polam
Munchkin( after ever 10 minutes) :ippo polama?
This keeps going on and then suddenly he screams ‘ amma, shruthi varudhu’
My parents and me used to wonder how he knows she is coming even before she rings our door bell and then we found out he hears for her golusu sound(anklet) so keenly that he identifies it the minute she comes downstairs.The little rascal!!
This is how they used to see each other whenever we take them to the terrace...

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