Sunday, November 15, 2009

A day with the fishes

So we went to the Aquarium in Camden, NJ.The second time this year.The first attempt was in summer.I say attempt because we never got to see anything the first time.Munchkin was very excited but it was afternoon by the time we reached and he was it was a whirlwind tour, literally!!This timewe had been with munchkin’s thatha(grandpa) and paati(grandma). We had a good time tho munchkin was scared to even get down from the stroller.The only time he was enthusiastic was when we were watching the hippos swim.That was an amazing sight.(An interesting thing about hippos is that they cannot swim and are not buoyant. When in deep water, they usually propel themselves by leaps, pushing off from the bottom. Their specifc gravity allows them to sink and walk or run along the bottom of a river). I loved watching the jelly fish.Somehow they were entrancing.Its hard to imagine a thing of such beauty, grace can give a deadly sting.We got to touch some baby sharks too. Now, that was an experience!


  1. wow.......thats an amazing xperience touching those baby sharks ...matsya wud have freaked out ..y didnt u post any photos ...

  2. i dont think i hv any pics of the baby sharks..:( i hv it on video tho
