Blogging after a very long time…Munchkn is now 3 yrs and 5 mths.He is going to preschool starting this month.It hits me hard everytime I say his age out loud.My baby is growing up ! I don’t know how to put it in words but there is this elated feeling inside me with a touch of melancholy…I guess its just a mom thing.Somehow my life changed after pregnancy.My life which was so valuable.I know I will give it up in a moment if it means I can save my baby but there is this part that also hopes for a long life – not to see my dreams come true but to watch munchkin realize his dreams.
So what is munchkin doing these days?
Munchkin holds intelligent conversations now..oh yeah,he reasons out everything.He dosent take anything without sound reasoning.I hope he keeps doing it as he grows old because there are times and people who do things because it’s the norm or because tradition demands it.(Now I don’t have anything against traditions and beliefs as long as there is a valuable reason behind it)
He has started writing alphabets and can spell 3 letter words but he gets muddled between the ‘c’ sound and ‘k’ sound..Just the other day we were working on spellings and he spelt the word ‘cat’.When asked to spell ‘key’ he said ‘cey’.I immediately corrected him saying its spelt with a ‘k’ sound .Munchking gives me a mom-you-are-silly stare and says ‘but mama, its Key just like why would you tell me to use K instead of C..I tried to think of an explanation without putting it as lame as ‘English is a funny language,that way’ but failed to.I am now seriously looking for an explanation for the time he asks me why we pronounce the words ‘cut’ and ‘put’ in a different way.Sigh!!
Munchkin is still very much into Dinosaurs and trains.A new found love of his is building blocks and colouring books.He loves playing Leggo .He has been learning to swim and I am glad he lost his fear of water.His favorite color as of yesterday is yellow and he loves the swing.Thats where he runs to the minute we hit the park.So much to write about munchkin.His world is becoming bigger with endless possibilities.A lot of discoveries, a lot more of laughter and friends , some accidents made alright with kisses and cookies, an urge to explore, innocence and smiles – that’s munchkins world